Ensure Security and Compilance with Authx for

Government Agencies

Ensure swift security across your tech world, protecting products, identity, and assets without hindering user experience.

Passwordless Security for Enhanced User Experience

Implementing robust security measures while maintaining a seamless user experience is crucial in the State and Local Government sectors. We offer passwordless authentication solutions designed to enhance security without compromising usability.

Our versatile authentication methods include Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Single Sign-On (SSO), Biometrics, Mobile Face Verify, Mobile Push, Badge tap, and more. By leveraging a combination of authentication factors, AuthX provides a secure, convenient, and user-friendly access experience that eliminates reliance on traditional passwords.

Enhancing Access Security for Your Workforce

Secure and Easy Access 

AuthX ensures secure access for your employees and citizens. With our multifactor authentication (MFA) and adaptive security, applications like Microsoft Office 365 and custom in-house software are protected from unauthorized access. Sensitive data such as citizen records and financial information stays secure.

Enhanced User Experience with SSO

Simplify workflows with our Single Sign-On (SSO) solution, allowing access to multiple applications with one login. AuthX makes navigating across platforms seamless. Eliminate multiple passwords and enhance productivity with a simplified login process.

Redefining Security with Zero Trust Approach

Traditional security measures are no longer enough. AuthX's Zero Trust model eliminates assumed Trust and scrutinizes access based on validated identity, location, or device. This approach provides comprehensive protection for your workforce and sensitive data.

Compliance Made Easy 

Government agencies face strict compliance demands across various standards. Our solutions ensure secure data handling, protect criminal justice and health records, and comply with financial cybersecurity regulations. We also help you meet key frameworks like NERC, NIST, PCI DSS, NAIC, and NIS2, maintaining top security and compliance.

Enhancing Security in Shared Workstations

Our tailored solutions for your shared kiosks and public-facing areas address the unique security needs of your workforce and individuals in public settings. Like shared machines used by courts or DMV clerks, AuthX intermittently ensures seamless access for users utilizing shared devices, prioritizing security, and convenience.

Our solutions provide robust security measures for kiosks or workstations, ensuring protection regardless of the workspace’s location or nature. Despite the complexities, we prioritize a seamless user experience, minimizing disruptions and empowering users to focus on tasks without compromising security.

Effortlessly Implementing Zero Trust 

AuthX facilitates a seamless adoption of zero trust strategies, which are imperative for meeting local and federal requirements. This is significant considering the need for all government agencies to establish and implement zero-trust plans. Our focus is meeting the highest authentication assurance standards, notably NIST levels (AAL2) and 3 (AAL3), essential components for zero trust implementation.

Understanding Authenticator Assurance Level (AAL)

Authentication Assurance Levels (AAL2 and AAL3) require multi-factor strategies, with AAL3 demanding the highest level of verification through factors like biometrics and device trust.

Our authentication methods, including Badge Tap & Go, Biometrics (Face and Finger scans), Token-based Authentication, Mobile Face-Verify, and Mobile Push, ensure robust verification aligned with zero trust principles. As organizations aim to meet these standards, AuthX offers tailored solutions to navigate the complexities of zero trust implementation.

State and local governments are under increasing cyber threats, with research showing they were the second most targeted industry by nation-state adversaries between July 2022 and June 2023.

AuthX helps governments meet cybersecurity requirements by aligning with evolving regulations and adopting a comprehensive approach. Our solutions enhance privacy protection, secure data and IT assets, and enable collaboration among government entities, ensuring protection of critical data.

Enhancing Government Cyber Defenses